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The goal of A Research Guide for Students is to provide all the necessary tools for you to conduct research and to present your findings. Site provides a Quick Click to Search Engines, annotated Research, Writing, and Style Guides (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, CGOS, CBE, Harvard), and Worlds of Knowledge housing some of the best education Web sites in a Virtual Library arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification. The DDC, created in 1873 by Melville Dewey, aka Melvil Dewey or Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey, was first published in 1876. Web sites in this virtual library are organized somewhat loosely by subject according to recent editions of the DDC. See also Dewey Decimal Classification Glossary. Discord Over Dewey by Andrew Lavallee, WSJ.com, and check out Dewey Decimal Classification: A Practical Manual of 23rd Edition. #Ad
The good and bad about Melvil Dewey:
Melvil Dewey (1851-1931): a Biography from kidcyber.com.au, a site for students K - 6.
Melvil Dewey, Compulsive Innovator. "The decimal obsessions of an information organizer" from American Libraries, the voice of the profession and the flagship magazine of the American Library Association, March 24, 2014.
The Dark Side of Dewey by Debbie Rabina, Ph.D.
Professor, Pratt Institute, School of Information, miNYstories, 10 Dec. 2013. Fall 2013. miNYstories are short multimedia narratives about New York City inspired by literary works. "Melville Dewey was born in 1851 in Adams Center, New York, into a deeply religious family in a deeply religious area of the state ... He had originally wanted to be a missionary, and applied this zeal to teaching and libraries. He spent two years investigating practices at several libraries, leading to publication of his classification system for libraries in 1876."
● Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder is a book by David Weinberger published in 2007. The book's central premise is that there is no universally acceptable way of classifying information. Starting with the story of the Dewey Decimal Classification (Practical Handbook by Sharma), Weinberger demonstrates that all attempts to classify inherently reflect the biases of the person defining the classification system.
● The Father of Modern Libraries Was a Serial Sexual Harasser by Erin Blakemore, History.com, 19 Dec. 2017, Updated: 22 Aug. 2018. "Melvil Dewey helped create a new profession for women - and harassed them at every step of the way."
● Bringing Harassment Out of the History Books: Addressing the troubling aspects of Melvil Dewey's legacy by Anne Ford, American Libraries Magazine, 1 June 2018.
● Dewey Decimal System founder expunged from library award over racism and anti-Semitism by Tim Pearce, 24 June 2019.
● US library group expunges Dewey name from medal over anti-Semitism, misogyny by Marcy Oster, Times of Israel, 25 June 2019.
● American Library Assn. strips name of Dewey Decimal System creator from annual award by Michael Schaub, 26 June 2019. "The ALA council made the decision on Sunday [23 June 2019], reports Publisher's Weekly, approving a resolution that urged the award be renamed because of Dewey's history of anti-Semitism, racism against African Americans and sexual harassment of women. The resolution argued that the Melvil Dewey Medal be renamed because 'Dewey did not permit Jewish people, African Americans, or other minorities admittance to the resort owned by Dewey and his wife,' which led to his censure by the New York State Board of Regents."
● Down With Dewey by Karen Lindell, Slate, 27 Sep. 2019.
● About Melvil Dewey (1851-1931) - How one library pioneer profoundly influenced modern librarianship from OCLC (formerly known as the Online Computer Library Center). "Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey was born on 10 December 1851. Keenly interested in simplified spelling, he shortened his first name to Melvil as a young adult, dropped his middle names and, for a short time, even spelled his last name as Dui ... Dewey invented the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system when he was 21 and working as a student assistant in the library of Amherst College, drawing from Sir Francis Bacon's classification of knowledge ..."
● Irrespressible Reformer: A Biography of Melvil Dewey. Paperback - June 1 1996 by Wayne A Wiegand. "Dewey historian Wayne Wiegand has produced the first frank and comprehensive biography of the man behind the Dewey Decimal Classification System and scores of other enduring achievements."
● Dewey Decimal by Melissa Cassel. This book is about the many achievements that Melvil Dewey accomplished throughout his life. "When he [Melvil Dewey] was a child, he enjoyed reading books. While at school one day, the building caught fire. Melvil gathered as many books as possible from the library. He inhaled the smoke and got a cough, which lasted for several months. Melvil was told that he would not live. He decided to make the most of his time ... Melvil was committed to causes. He was organized in everything that he did. It took Melvil several years before he finally solved the classification of books ... He needed to use the simplest method possible to number the classification of all human knowledge in print." See also: 025.4 Dewey Decimal Classification.
This site also provides guidelines on: How to write an A+ research paper, How to effectively deliver a presentation, How to format a research or term paper, How to quote passages using MLA style 7th ed., How to avoid plagiarism, How to write Footnotes and Endnotes in MLA 6th ed. with examples on writing First Footnotes and Endnotes in MLA Style 6th ed. plus a Footnotes Sample Page in MLA 6th ed. and an Endnotes Sample Page in MLA 6th ed.
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers: 6th edition (Paperback) by Joseph Gibaldi was published on January 1, 2003.
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers: 7th edition (Paperback) was published on January 15, 2009.
Note: With the 2009 publication of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition, the traditional method of writing first Footnotes and Endnotes to cite sources has become obsolete, however, with Parenthetical Documentation you can still use Notes to add content and bibliographic notes when needed. See MLA Handbook 7th ed. (ch. 6.5) for information on Using Notes with Parenthetical Documentation or Content and Bibliographic Notes. Documenting sources in the text of your essay is much simpler by using only Parenthetical Documentation for citations followed by a Works Cited page at the end of the essay. Web pages based on the new MLA style 7th ed. (2009) are now available on this site. Web pages based on MLA style, 6th ed. (2003) will remain accessible.
Updated MLA Style 7th ed. pages include: How to write Parenthetical Documentation using MLA style 7th ed. Parenthetical Documentation Sample Page, Guidelines on Writing a Bibliography or Works Cited Page in MLA style 7th ed., Works Cited, References, and Bibliography - What's the Difference? Works Cited Sample Page using MLA citations 7th ed., and How to Write a Bibliography - Examples in MLA Style, 7th ed. including Internet citation examples.
MLA Handbook 8th edition (Paperback) was published on April 1, 2016. See MLA Eighth Edition: What's New and Different from Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.
MLA Handbook (OFFICIAL) 9th edition (Paperback) was published on April 22, 2021.
MLA Handbook (OFFICIAL) 9th edition (Hardcover) was published on May 17, 2021.
See MLA Ninth Edition: What's New and Different from Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University. MLA 9th edition is an expansion of the 8th edition with new sections on grammar, writing advice, a new chapter on inclusive language, expansion endnotes & footnotes, new guidelines for annotated bibliographies, as well as more examples and explanations, such as how to use notes, websites, interviews, and YouTube videos.
Included on this site are Abbreviations of Months of the Year, Days of the Week, Books of the Bible, Common, Uncommon and Specialized Abbreviations, as well as Abbreviations, Facts, Flags of the 50 United States, Maps of 50 States in the United States of America, of Provinces and Territories in Canada, plus Cities of the World, Countries of the World with International Country Codes and National Anthems of the World.
Created specially for the serious-minded surfer is a page on How to Survive the Internet Unscathed.
NOTE: To everyone writing a report, a research essay, a term paper, or creating a Web page on the WWW: All ideas borrowed or sources used that are not your own must be documented and properly acknowledged. Plagiarism in any form is not permissible. Please use your good judgment to choose a variety of reliable sources. Information presented on this site is a guideline only, students are advised to use the type of documentation preferred by your teacher or instructor, including the choice to use MLA Style 6th edition, MLA Style 7th edition, or other styles: APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, CGOS, CSE.
This site: A Research Guide for Students by I Lee began in July 1998 at geocities.com/athens/troy/8866 (Sites were then assigned to Athens and Acropolis for contents dealing with "Teaching, Education, Reading, Writing, and Philosophy"), then transferred to geocities.com/researchguide. (Shortly after GeoCities was acquired by Yahoo! on January 28, 1999, the practice of naming sites after real cities or regions according to their content was abandoned in favor of using the Yahoo! member names in the URLs). When the Research Guide was featured on Wall Street Executive Library, hits soared and exceeded the bandwidth allowed by Yahoo! for a free site. So a new domain: aresearchguide.com was created. When hits reached 30,000 to 40,000 a day in 2006, the domain aresearchguide.com with a portion of the content of A Research Guide for Students migrated to the United Kingdom. On February 7, 2008, www.bydewey.com was created to retain, maintain and grow from the original Research Guide.
On October 26, 2009, all GeoCities.com sites were closed by Yahoo! Someone (David Feinman?) restored 2,370,970 accounts, archived and moved 31,703,925 pages from GeoCities.com to ReoCities.com, and later to Oocities.org. Recently, Geocities.ws appeared and has restored the original contents from October 2009. The Library of the Collective Human Record (lchr.org) has also retained over 50,000 catalogued sites archived from GeoCities (1994-2009).
You may be able to access some of the old geocities.com web pages at: www.oocities.com/researchguide or www.geocities.ws/researchguide with data from 2009. However, if you click on the Title Logo: "A Research Guide for Students by I Lee", for some strange reason, it will take you to the current official website: www.bydewey.com.
A Research Guide for Students by I Lee includes various web pages: Autobiography of Carl Kaas, Biography of Former Mayor Hazel McCallion, COVID-19 Coronavirus and World News (including daily Stock Market Watch data from Jan 2020 on), Dr. Kujtan's Medical Matters, Pun and Funny English, Special Events for Seniors in Mississauga Area, A Virtual Library of Useful URLs arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification, and more.
Disclaimer: All URLs listed on this site have been tested for accuracy, and contents of Web sites examined for quality, at the time of addition. Content accuracy and appropriateness, however, cannot be guaranteed over time as Web sites and their contents change constantly. The author takes no responsibility for difficulties which may result from the use of any Web site listed herein. Please contact the Webmaster at bydewey at yahoo dot com if you wish to report broken links.
Privacy Policy: The author of this Web site will not rent, sell, or give the information you provide to a third party without your permission.
Trademarks used on this Web site are the property of their respective owners and no implied endorsement of their product is hereby intended.
Last modified: 22 January 2025.
Copyrighted 1998-2025 by I. Lee. All Rights Reserved.
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